Student Loan Alternatives

Don’t go into debt for a college degree. At least not if you don’t have to. I’ve created a list of student loan alternatives, that can keep you out of that never ending vacuum called student loan debt.

When it comes to college, the rising costs of tuition is scary, or at least it should scare you. But, there are alternatives to student loans that can help you get your degree without the lifelong crippling debt.

Student Loan Alternatives

Here are five student loan alternatives you should consider

Scholarships and Grants

Yes, you’ve heard of them, but have you applied? How many did you apply for? If the honest answer is less than a hundred, then you’re saying you’d rather pay hundreds of dollars a month for the next thirty years than spend two months researching and applying for scholarships and grants.

Apply for scholarships and grants. And then apply to more.

Employer Tuition Assistance

Many companies offer financial support to employees who are wanting to further their education, which can significantly reduce or eliminate your need for student loans.

Find these companies and apply.

Community College

But you want to go to a big school. Well, do you want to be paying hundreds of dollars a month for the next thirty years or do you want to save tens of thousands of dollars by starting at a community college for two years, then transferring to a larger university to get your undergraduate degree.

The degree is the only thing that matters. Why would you spend nearly twice as much as you need to to get it?


There are many high-paying in-demand careers out there that will pay you to learn them. You don’t even have to go to college.

Electricians, Plumbers, HVAC techs, and Renewable Energy techs are just a few of the many opportunities to learn while you earn.

Join the Military or ROTC

Military service offers exceptional educational benefits to those who have served, and the ROTC gives students the opportunity to learn now and serve as an officer after you graduate.

Personally, I believe the ROTC to be an exceptional opportunity to save a fortune on school and be placed in a leadership role immediately upon graduation.

Air Force ROTC

Each of these alternatives provides a different path to pursuing a college degree without locking yourself into a lifetime of indentured servitude.

It’s vital to carefully assess your options, consider your personal goals, and determine the most suitable choice for you and your circumstances.

By considering these alternatives, you can enjoy all the benefits of a great education, while keeping your future self out of debt.

Student Loans Guide

Get Out of Debt Guide

Andre Iverson

by Andre Iverson

Atlanta, Georgia

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