Don’t go into debt for a college degree. At least not if you don’t have to. I’ve created a list of student loan alternatives, that can keep you out of that never ending vacuum called student loan debt. When it comes to college, the rising costs of tuition is scary, or at least it should […]
Month: July 2023
The Star Alliance members list consists of many of the world’s leading airlines. Together they provide you the ability to connect to nearly any destination in the world. This is a list of all current Star Alliance members. Star Alliance Members United Airlines United States, Air Canada Canada, Air China China, Air […]
Wondering what airlines are in the OneWorld Alliance? Our list has you covered. The OneWorld alliance is a powerful worldwide partnership between many of the worlds best airlines, which enables you to seamlessly travel the world. OneWorld Alliance Members Here’s the complete list of OneWorld alliance airline members. American Airlines United States, British Airways […]
We don’t often think about property taxes when looking for a new home, but property tax can be a huge additional expense on top of your mortgage. And it’s cost varies greatly depending on what state you live. Here, we’ll take a look at the highest property tax states, the lowest property tax states, and […]
Your debt-to-income ratio (DTI) is a crucial financial metric that measures your ability to manage debt in relation to your income. Lenders often use this ratio to assess your creditworthiness and determine your eligibility for loans. Understanding your debt-to-income ratio, and taking steps to improve it, can significantly impact your financial well-being. Importance of Debt-to-Income […]
Debt can be a significant roadblock on the path to financial prosperity. It not only affects your current financial situation but also limits your ability to build wealth and achieve long-term financial success. Here, we will focus on a few reasons why debt destroys your ability to build wealth, and what you can do to […]
Many people are unaware of a variety of hidden credit card rewards programs benefits because they’re simply not as advertised as others. Some credit card issuers provide secret perks to their cardholders, which are not prominently advertised, but are valuable and can significantly enhance the overall value of their card. These hidden benefits may include […]
The choice between a credit union and a traditional bank can trigger a tough internal debate. But don’t worry, because we’ve put together a list of benefits for both, in an effort to help you end the great credit union vs bank debate after all. Benefits of a Credit Union Member-Owned: Credit unions are member-owned, […]
The single best way to save your money without relying solely on a budget is to adopt the practice of “paying yourself first.” This strategy involves prioritizing savings before spending on any other expenses. As soon as you receive your income, set aside a predetermined percentage or a fixed amount for savings, investments, or debt […]
It’d be a tough task to name the single best hotel rewards program on the planet, as there’s literally hundreds out there, but here are some of the lesser known perks many of the better programs offer. Co-Branded Cards Offer Extra Perks Co-branded hotel credit cards, offered in partnership with specific hotel chains, often provide […]